Belsize Painting

Belsize Painting

At HOFCO, we understand that no matter how well the design, planning, building work has been done if the finish is not expertly applied then the entire project is completely undermined. The entire company was formed because of this very idea.

Due to the expertise of our decorators we now have a standalone decorating division, Belsize Painting. Dennis Shiels brings 35 years as a specialist decorative finisher to spearhead our team and together with our in-house colour consultant, Sara Sutton, they ensure that whether it is as the final trade on our construction work or as a standalone decorating project, the finish is of the highest standard. Please call us on 020 100 6333 to discuss your project and arrange for a free estimate.

  Paint Cans

Tick Interior/External Painting

Tick Schedule agreed with client

Tick Plastering and Coving

Tick Floor/furniture coverings agreed

Tick Speciality Painting

Tick Clean hands/latex gloves policy

Tick Gilding/Verre eglomise

Tick All areas to be thoroughly cleaned

Tick Wall Hangings

Tick Vacuum after every stage/day

Colour Consultancy

Our in-house Colour Technician, Sara Sutton, is available to provide any help needed with choosing the right colour scheme for you. Sara's expertise includes:

• Advanced colour matching with a photo spectrometer

• Wall papers and wall hangings

• Tiling

• Decorative plaster finishes
